I shared this Prezi with the Positive Committee at their July 8, 2013 meeting, to give them an update on the Planning Council's activities over the last couple of months. A couple things for you to know/consider before viewing the Prezi:
- You can read more about the priority setting process, including the factors and scoring process here. The Comprehensive Planning Committee is responsible for facilitating the priority setting process at lest once every three years, or whenever there is a need to update the list due to policy or other changes to the care system. Priority setting just means putting the Ryan White care services in order of importance/need according to certain factors, based on information about community need and impact on the continuum of care.
- The Philadelphia EMA received less of a decrease in the Part A funding than we were told to expect. The grant award was a little more than 6% less than the 2012 award. The Planning Council already developed a plan for a decrease, and this plan is represented by the 2013 pie chart in the Prezi. the 2012 pie chart is how the money was budgeted for last year. You will notice that the most significant differences are in Early Intervention Services and Care Outreach, which were ended as of the first quarter of this grant year (June 30, 2013), due to the funding decreases. Other services will receive less money too, because Early Intervention and Care Outreach Services couldn't absorb all of the cut.
- The Regional Allocations meetings where the community decides how to budget our Ryan White Part A funds will be at the Office of HIV Planning. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate. The Office of HIV Planning plans to provide meeting materials to participants before the meeting. If you would like to attend a meeting, please call 215-574-6760.
- PA Counties (Chester, Bucks, Delaware and Montgomery)-
- Tuesday, July 23rd from 1-4pm
- NJ Counties (Camden, Burlington, Salem and Glouchester) -
- Thursday, July 25th from 1-4pm
- Philadelphia -
- Tuesday, July 30th from 1 - 4pm